Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012

Italian documentary about "the italian media system and the female body"

WOMEN BODIES. This project took off as a matter of urgency. It all started with the observation that women–real women–are an endangered species on television, one that is being replaced by a grotesque, vulgar and humiliating representation.
We sensed the enormity of this loss: the erasure of women’s identity is happening right before our eyes, but without a proper reaction, not even from women themselves.
This led us to select television images that share a common manipulative exploitation of the woman’s body, to let people know what is happening–not only people who never watch television, but especially those who watch it but “don’t see.”
Our aim is to ask ourselves questions, and to pose questions about the reason behind this erasure, a real “pogrom” of which all of us are silent spectators.Our project grants special attention to the erasure of adult faces on television, to the use of plastic surgery to erase any sign of the passage of time, and to the social consequences of this erasure.

The movie in english, french, german, spanish, portugues, greece and italian

Montag, 20. Februar 2012



Sceneggiatura per un cortometraggio

SCENA 1. PER STRADA. Esterno giorno
Una donna e un bambino, Sabrina e Tommaso, camminano lungo un marciapiede. Al lato del marciapiede c'è un albero spoglio.

Montag, 13. Februar 2012

Przymiarki do kamery

30 stycznia 2012 roku zajmowaliśmy się poznawaniem podstaw języka filmu, a także zasad filmowania, pracy z kamerą oraz zasad montażu.
W trakcie ćwiczeń praktycznych mieliśmy okazję filmowania różnych planów filmowych oraz scenę „Przejście przez drzwi”.
Następnie uczestniczyliśmy w montażu gotowego filmu.
W trakcie zajęć dopracowywaliśmy również scenariusz.

30 January 2012 we took up getting to known basis of film language, and rules of filming, working with a camera and principles of editing.
During these exercises we could film different sets, and we could also film a scene called "Entering".
Next, we learned how to edit a film.
During this workshops we were also finishing our film scenario.