Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

We have got the film!

During last workshops we finally finished our work on the scenario and we prepared for film shooting. We had done shooting script, preliminary film set documentation and storyboard. We talked with people responsible for making available individual film locations, we made actor’s recruitment and role assignment. Uff, lot of work behind us!

Finally we started film shooting on 7th May 2012 at 9.00 a.m. in Lodz and Ksawerow, nearby Lodz. On the film set there was the crew consisting of a cameraman, a man responsible for sound, a person responsible for light and make-up, a director, actors and assistants.

What are our impression? We liked kind and friendly atmosphere at the film set. We understood each other almost without words. It helped us a lot in film shooting, all what we did is really on the professional level!

Below you find some photos from the film set:

 Photo 1. The most important thing - a good frame.

Photo 2. Our the youngest actor - he liked work at the film set.

 Photo 3. At the film set - a petrol station.

Photo 4. At the film set - we are still at the petrol station.

Mamy film!

Podczas ostatnich spotkań zakończyliśmy ostateczne prace nad scenariuszem i przygotowaliśmy się do realizacji zdjęć. Został wykonany scenopis, wstępna dokumentacja dotycząca lokalizacji oraz scen i ujęć w postaci storyboardu. Zostały przeprowadzone rozmowy w sprawie możliwości wykonania zdjęć w ustalonych lokalizacjach, nabór aktorów i przydział ról. Uff, dużo pracy za nami!

Ostatecznie zdjęcia miały miejsce 7 maja od godziny 9.00 w Łodzi oraz w Ksawerowie, w pobliżu Łodzi.
Na planie była ekipa filmowa składająca się z operatorów zdjęć, dźwiękowca, osoby odpowiedzialnej za światło i charakteryzację, reżysera, aktorów oraz asystentów.

Jakie są nasze impresje? Podobało nam się, że na planie panowała życzliwa, a wręcz rodzinna atmosfera. Rozumieliśmy się niemal bez słów. Bardzo to pomogła w kręceniu filmu, wszystko udało się zrobić na naprawdę profesjonalnym poziomie!

Poniżej znajdziecie kilka zdjęć z planu:

 Zdjęcie 1. Grunt to dobry kadr.

 Zdjęcie 2. Na planie filmowym - ujecie na stacji benzynowej.

Zdjęcie 3. Plan filmowy - nadal jesteśmy na stacji benzynowej.

Zdjęcie 4. Nasz najmłodszy aktor - na planie podobało mu się :)

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012


The short movie “Kaleidoskop” has been realized within the project “Supermom”, addressed to single parents.
During the winter 2011-2012 we organized a film awareness course led by the director Leandro Giribaldi, coordinated by Sabrina Emilio for Associazione NET and C.A.T. Cooperativa Sociale.
The students of the course brought their life experience, their stories that, together with other elements, converged into a screenplay for a short movie.
The movie was shot in Florence and outskirts in March 2012.

Sabrina is a desperate mother who looks for the help of Social Services.
She’s separated, she has a precarious job and she has been given notice to quit her house.
She doesn’t get on well with her parents.
Her son Thomas always plays with a small telescope…

Technical data
Director: Leandro Giribaldi
Content and screenplay: Leandro Giribaldi, Liudmila Haishun, Germana Zucchetti, Pietro Galliani, Sabrina Emilio
Photography: Sirio Zabberoni
Sound: Andrea Antonini
Editing: Leandro Giribaldi
Logistics: Sabrina Emilio, Patrizia Sommi
Featuring: Chiara Giorgi, Vladimir Verduchi, Giuditta Natali Elmi, Patrizia Ficini, Carlo Rosi
Duration: 8'

Freitag, 4. Mai 2012

'Ribbons' Short Film Premiere in Northern Ireland!

In Northern Ireland, we are now at the stage of disseminating the short film that resulted from the pilot course. Working with experienced filmmakers and with local production firm Media Zoo, the Supermom trainees in Northern Ireland produced the 5-minute short film ‘Ribbons’, which reflects their experiences as lone parents by charting the life story of a woman over a period of 5 decades. The trainees collaboratively wrote the script, built their own set, and were also responsible for locating all the props and costumes that the film required. Several trainees took on the role of scene Directors and Directors' assistants, while others handled the scenery, props and costumes throughout the shoot.

The public premiere of ‘Ribbons’ was held at the Lyric Theatre, Belfast on 27 April 2012. The premiere was an exciting event for the trainees and for everyone involved in the project!  It featured both ‘Ribbons’ and the behind-the-scenes footage that showed the making of the short film. The audience included the trainees’ family and friends; representatives of local women’s, arts, and youth organisations; journalists; the Equality Commission NI; lone parent members of Gingerbread NI; the European Unit of Belfast City Council; and staff from Gingerbread NI and Possibilities NI—a total of approximately 80 people. 

Supermom trainees speak about their experiences and plans.
Anne Hailes, a highly respected journalist and writer from Northern Ireland, compèred the premiere, and Ben Bland spoke about the work of Media Zoo and shared his thoughts on potential opportunities within the creative industry locally. Five of the trainees talked about their experience of the course and the process of making the short film, and all of the trainees had an opportunity to speak about their plans for the future and the positive effect the Supermom Project has had on their lives.

Anne Hailes presents a trainee with her certificate.
‘Ribbons’ was extremely well received, and the audience gave the trainees a standing ovation! Trainees were presented with certificates of achievement and congratulated on their success, and they had an opportunity to network with the members of audience over lunch.

A standing ovation for the lone parent filmmakers!

Going forward, the trainees are interested in submitting ‘Ribbons’ to film festivals in the UK. Also, several of the trainees are pursuing further courses in media or are considering starting a new career based on the talents they discovered in themselves during the Supermom course.